Each lesson in the Fox Den Includes:

• Visual drill (phonogram cards)
• Auditory drill (dictate phonograms)
• Sound blending (reading words)
• Phonemic Awareness activity
• Review previously taught skills
• Introduce a new phonogram/concept/rule/syllable instruction
• Spelling work
• Sentence work
• Oral reading with decodable and controlled text

Sessions in the Fox Den:

• One-on-one 60-minute lesson
• Individualized lesson plan and activities created uniquely for each student per lesson
• Assessments will be given initially to determine starting point then periodically to monitor progress
• Held at the home of Mrs. Fox, in the “Fox Den” (classroom)
• Sessions are scheduled for 1-3 times a week after-school or on weekends
• Students will be sent home with their work

• Words and Dictations
• A decodable reader to keep at home
• Laminated Red Word cards, known as sight words
• A folder with spelling rule visuals used with the current lesson

• One-on-one 60-minute lesson
• Individualized lesson plan and activities created
   uniquely for each student per lesson
• Assessments will be given initially to determine starting
  point then periodically to monitor progress
• Held at the home of Mrs. Fox, in the “Fox Den”
• Sessions are scheduled for 1-3 times a week after-school
   or on weekends
• Students will be sent home with their work
          • Words and Dictations
          • A decodable reader to keep at home
          • Laminated Red Word cards, known as sight
          • A folder with spelling rule visuals used with
             the current lesson

ContactWhat parents and students say